Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Where were you when they Launched the Blog Beast ENV2 in Anaheim,CA

The Blog Beast ENV2 is Coming to a Mobile Phone near you!Listen guys I have a chosen to run with this company, because I agree with the product and I love the leadership at it's core...I have never seen or met people like Dave & Dave, Lawrence, Justin or Aki Wood. These people... I follow their every move, I read the emails they

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Where would you decide to focus your energy at?

Would you focus your energy at work or on your own home business....Well before you answer these questions let me give you the foreskin, I mean foreground....Lol, I crack myself up!Seriously though here's the situation, recently I have been ramping down my efforts of my home business so that I can generate more income at

Friday, October 4, 2013

Oh Shit by The Pharcyde, I’m going the wrong way F My Life

Oh Shit by The Pharcyde distracted me from getting home....I probably already lost you...You're probably already hit the back button and you're off the page you can read this sentence right here'Oh well, and while were at it, you probably don't even like rap music or hip-hop you probably never heard of the song Oh Shit by The

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Are “YOU” Stepping over dollars to pick up cents.

Stepping over dollars to pick up cents.Let me get your opinion on something here, being in the car business I know it's better to sell my vehicle on the street but at the same time my vehicle is requiring a lot of work.So I'm contemplating selling it to a wholesaler for a lot less than what it's worth.  If I attempt to sell it for the